Winter Sailing: Frostbite Schedule 2021 2022 and PSSC

Every year around this time, the days are notably shorter; storm fronts begin rolling in bringing strong southerlies and heavy rains, and people like us start to get a little stoked because that means it’s Seattle Sailing Fleet Frostbite Season.  Below you’ll find a schedule of the season, with our first race coming up on October 17th.  More news will follow, along with requests for volunteers and season race fees, but for tonight, please put these events on your schedule and get ready to enjoy one of the greatest small boat sailing traditions in the country. 

October 2-3CYC PSSC Regatta SMALL BoatCYC
October 17Frostbite #1Seattle Sailing Fleet
November 7Frostbite #2Seattle Sailing Fleet
November 20-21Turkey BowlCYC Seattle
December 5Frostbite #3Seattle Sailing Fleet
January 9Frostbite #4Seattle Sailing Fleet
January 22-23Frigid DigitCYC and Seattle Sailing Fleet
February 6Frostbite #5Seattle Sailing Fleet
February 27thFrostbite #6Seattle Sailing Fleet